Stellar Relic: The Odyssey Axe

Cost: 6 MATIC (about 4.11)


Collection: SixString Guitars: Series 1 - Futuristic Guitars

'Stellar Relic: The Odyssey Axe,' a vital piece of the SixString cosmos, carries the legacy of interstellar shredding battles. Each scar on its surface narrates epic tales of cosmic improvisation and the unyielding spirit of music. Proceeds from this NFT will go to development and maintenance of the SixString app and site with our sincere appreciation. [From The Futuristic Guitars Collection]

Contract Address: 0xF0bc2F6746F76a47cA5971b7700f41ae3F932578
Token ID: 129
Token Standard: ERC-721
Blockchain: Polygon Mainnet

Decentralized Assets


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Transaction History
Minted 01/31/2024 00:32:35
Successfully minted to the blockchain
Listed 01/31/2024 00:37:38
Token successfully listed to the marketplace