Robotic Riffs: The Core Harmonizer

Cost: 6 MATIC (about 4.11)


Collection: SixString Guitars: Series 1 - Futuristic Guitars

Strum into the future with 'Robotic Riffs: The Core Harmonizer,' an NFT that captures the soul of [note the "horns of rock" symbols that flank the guitar]. This guitar stands as a beacon of innovation amidst an audience of robots, symbolizing unity in a digital renaissance. Proceeds from this NFT will go to development and maintenance of the SixString app and site with our sincere appreciation. [From The Futuristic Guitars Collection]

Contract Address: 0xF0bc2F6746F76a47cA5971b7700f41ae3F932578
Token ID: 100
Token Standard: ERC-721
Blockchain: Polygon Mainnet

Decentralized Assets


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Transaction History
Minted 01/30/2024 23:25:12
Successfully minted to the blockchain
Listed 02/07/2024 23:49:00
Token successfully listed to the marketplace